How To Create Powerful Links And Buttons

Step 1, Go to the webpage to which you want to link. In order to find the link for a website's specific page, you must go to the page first.Step 2, Select the webpage's address. Tap or click the webpage's address at the top of the web browser. Doing this should highlight the address.Step 3, Copy the address. To do so: Mobile - Tap Copy when prompted. You may have to tap and hold the address or tap Select All first on some phones. Desktop - Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or ⌘ Command+C (Mac) while.

What Is A Call-To-Action Button?

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are the buttons you use in your website and on your landing pages to guide users towards your goal conversion. It's the part of the landing page that the user needs to click in order to take the action you want them to take. CTA buttons can vary in style and size depending on your goal conversion and website style. Some common examples of call-to-action buttons are:

Website Button Generator. Create FREE website buttons with our Hyperlink Button Generator quickly and easily. View demo buttons. Tip: Visit or for more color palettes. Link those action buttons to the menu slide (Slide 1). Or simply copy the button from the General Instructions slide to the other two slides. Both methods will work; copying a button is a bit quicker. Get share buttons for sharing to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, email, SMS, and any other sharing and social media app. Official share plugins are available for WordPress, Drupal, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, TypePad, and other platforms. AddToAny is the universal platform for getting likes, shares, and follows via social media and other networks.

  • Add to cart buttons
  • Free trial sign-up buttons
  • Download buttons

CTA buttons have a very specific goal: to get your web visitor clicking and completing a conversion.

Today we'll be discussing 17 call-to-action button best practices to help you get a higher CTR and more conversions out of your beautiful buttons.

1. Use Action-Packed Text. Call to action buttons should feature striking, action-oriented text. Substitute boring words like “submit” and “enter” for more action packed words like “get,” “reserve,” and “try.” Your action words should go along with specific text relating to your offer like:

  • Try Our Free Trial
  • Reserve Your Seat
  • Download Whitepaper

Udemy’s “Take This Course” button text gives a a great offer-related action.

The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh has a nice site design, but their button text could be better. Instead of boring “Go,” why not try “Book An Event” ?

2. The Colors Duke, The Colors. Your button color matters. It matter a lot. In fact, if you’re going to take only one tiny single piece of advice from this post, it should be to give careful consideration to your button colors.


Generally speaking, green and orange buttons are reported to perform best. Ultimately though it will depend on your site design, as contrasting colors work best to make striking buttons that stand out. You wouldn’t want a green CTA button on a green background.

Green and purple are contrasting colors – plus those dinos are adorable

If you’re not sure what looks best, run the super sophisticated squint test and see what comes off most appealing. However, if you really want to know what color CTA button will work best on your page, testing is the only way to go!

Check out this cool color psychology infographic from Kiss Metrics when you have the chance. It’s a pretty interesting study on how different colors inspire different emotions!

3. Snazzy Button Shapes. Button shape can also play a big role when attempting to craft the perfect CTA button. You’ll need to consider whether you want to go with a more rounded button shape or a button with square edges. Hard to say what works better here as both style are common and both can perform well in different settings. Ultimately you’ll have to test shapes and see what works best for your biz!

In ContentVerve’s test, a rounded green button did better than a blue rectangle

4. Large and Legible Text. Your button text should be large enough to read easily, but not so large that it looks obnoxious or intimidating. You want to avoid a “Honey, I Blew Up the Kid” situation.

While it may seem absurd to imply that large text makes people feel anxious or uncomfortable, many users do experience subconscious distaste for threateningly large lettering. Your button text should be big enough to draw attention, but not so big that it completely overwhelms the rest of the content.

5. Button Text Shouldn’t Go On and On and On. We discussed earlier how it’s good to use specific action-oriented button text. Considering that, it may be tempting to stretch out your button text, but that’d be a bad move. Ideally you’ll want to keep that button text to two or five words.

This CTA button is probably OK, but it’s nearing the red zone

If you need the perfect display ad call-to-action to send users to your landing page, try our Smart Ads Creator, which creates designer-quality display ads equipped with call-to-actions that are hand-tailored to your business.

6. Go With 1st Person Speech. Michael Aagard of Content Verve shared a study in which he discovered that changing button text from second person (“get your free template”) to the first person (“get my free template”) resulted in a 90% increase in clicks! See how changing your CTA button to 1st person (putting yourself in your customer's shoes) affects your CTRs.

TL;DR: Call to action buttons (done right) can dramatically increase conversions on your website. Get our free guide to learn how to write a killer CTA for website copy, email, banner ads and more --->

How To Create Powerful Links And Buttons Roblox

7. Create a Sense Of Urgency. Constructing a sense of urgency in your call to action buttons can yield some impressive click-through rates. For example, you could use button text like:

  • Sign Up and Get 50% Off Today Only!
  • Download the Build Apps E-Course for $30 $10!

Even just adding “now” builds a subtly sense of urgency for users:

  • Register For The Ultimate PPC Webinar Now!

The example below does a nice job of creating a sense of urgency. My only issue with it is the red X marks – they are there to denote points of information, but to me it looks like they are sold out or cancelled events. That’s a dangerous misinterpretation!

8. Keep it Above the Fold. You always want to keep your call to action button above the fold so that users never miss it. As noted in an earlier post about landing page best practices, the important vital information should always be kept above the fold. The additional extra info should stay below the fold, where it remains assessable but not distracting.

9. Natural Hierarchy. Sometimes you’ll have other buttons on your web page that are not your main call-to-action conversion buttons. Those buttons should be less attention-grabbing than your main CTA button. For your non-CTA buttons, try using gray scale buttons or monochromatic colors. Your main call-to-action button should always be the biggest and brightest.

Starbucks does a nice job of clarifying their main CTA button while keeping within their color scheme

10. Use Button Copy for Value Proposition. You may notice that many buttons include the word “free,” as in, “Get My Free Ebook.” “Free” is an enticing word, and using that word in button copy emphasizes your offer’s value proposition. Consider your offer’s value proposition and how it might best be displayed in your call-to-action button.

11. Get Fancy With Button Graphics. In some cases, small arrows or graphics on your CTA button can positively affect click-through-rates. If you’re going to use graphics, make sure that your icons clarify rather than confuse the offer for users. For example, you would want to avoid using a disk download icon for a user who is registering for a webinar.

12. Bonus Button Text. There are some situations in call-to-action marketing where you may want to consider adding an extra line of information within your button text.

This practice is common with free trial buttons. For example, a free trial button might say “30 day trial, no credit card” in smaller text beneath the main “Start Your Free Trial” button text. This is valuable info that will encourage users to click through to begin their trial.

Example from Dashboard

This won’t always be necessary with all buttons, but when it fits, this extra information can help CTRs a lot.

Alternatively, you can put that extra information underneath or beside a button. Copyblogger refers to these elements as “click triggers.” Some examples of click triggers include:

  • Testimonials
  • Anxiety-Suppressing Info (e.g. No credit card required)
  • Key Benefits
  • Data Points (e.g. users see a 40% increase in shares when using X)

How To Create Powerful Links And Buttons Free

Example from Social Sprout

13. Cart Call-To-Actions. E-commerce sites will want to spend the most time A/B testing their cart/purchase buttons. Even small adjustments in cart buttons can dramatically affect conversion rates. Be sure to offer buttons for other payment options like PayPal.

Having a PayPal button can be a huge incentive – there have been MANY times ordering food where I’ve been too lazy to fish out a credit card and only move forward by the grace of PayPal.

14. Less is More When it Comes to Choices. Us humans tend to suffer from the choice paradox – we enjoy choosing between an apple or an orange, but present us with apples, oranges, dragon fruit, grapes, pomegranates, bananas, clementine, and mangos and our heads may nearly explode with indecision.

In one study by Mark Lepper of Columbia University, participants who were asked to choose one chocolate from a box of six were happier with their selection than participants who selected one chocolate from a box of 30. Keep your users happy by giving them fewer buttons to choose from!

If you do want to include multiple button choices, give weight to once choice over others to help funnel users towards a specific path. It doesn’t even matter what path really – users just wanted to be guided!

Buffer offers several sign-in options, but emphasizes one over the others

15. Follow the Natural User Flow. In Western culture, we read top to down and left to right. Keeping this natural reading flow in mind can help influence smart button placement. Call-to-action buttons placed towards the bottom or to the right of content often outperforms alternative placements.

Most importantly, never force users to backtrack in order to click a button – CTA buttons should appear in appropriate places that align with a user’s experience. For example, you would want to put a “sign up now” button in a spot where a user would find it after reading about your offer or product, not before, as it would make no sense for a user to sign up for an offer they know nothing about!

16. Widen That White Space. Your CTA buttons should always have a healthy chunk of white space surrounding them. White space helps call the users’ attention to your button and helps it stand out.

This CTA button from Mixbook has plenty of white space

17. Test Buttons Like Your Life Depends On It. Testing with CTA buttons is absolutely vital! If you haven’t done much A/B testing before (tsk tsk), the call-to-action buttons are a great place to start as even small, easy-to-make changes can have dramatic effects. Test placement, color, style, text – if you can think of it, you should test it!

Buttons are a common element of interaction design. While they may seem like a very simple UI element, they are still one of the most important ones to create.In today’s article, we’ll be covering the essential items you need to know in order to create effective controls that improve user experience. If you’d like to take a go at prototyping and wireframing your own designs a bit more differently, you can download and test Adobe XD for free.

Buttons are a common element of interaction design. While they may seem like a very simple UI element, they are still one of the most important ones to create.

In today’s article, we’ll be covering the essential items you need to know in order to create effective controls that improve user experience. If you’d like to take a go at prototyping and wireframing your own designs a bit more differently, you can download and test Adobe XD for free.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

Make Buttons Look Like Buttons

How do users understand an element is a button? The answer is simple. Visual cues help people determine clickability. It’s important to use proper visual signifiers on clickable elements to make them look like buttons.


A safe bet is to make buttons square or square with rounded corners, depending on the style of the site or app. Rectangular shaped buttons were introduced into the digital world a long time ago, and users are very familiar with them.

You can, of course, be more creative and use other shapes, (circles, triangles, or even custom shapes), but keep in mind unique ideas can prove to be a bit riskier. You need to ensure that people can easily identify each varying shape as a button.

No matter what shape you choose, be sure to maintain consistency throughout your interface controls, so the user will be able to identify and recognize all UI elements as buttons.

How to create powerful links and buttons using

Why is consistency so important? Well, because users remember the details, whether consciously or not. For example, users will associate a particular element’s shape as the “button.” Therefore, being consistent won’t only contribute to a great-looking design, but it’ll also provide a more familiar experience for users.

The picture below illustrates this point perfectly. Using three different shapes in one part of your app (e.g. system toolbar) is not only confusing to the user, it’s incorrect design practice.

Shadows and Highlights

Shadows are valuable clues, telling users at which UI element they are looking. Drop-shadows make the element stand out against the background and make it easily identifiable as a tappable or clickable element, as objects that appear raised look like they could be pressed down, (tapped or clicked). Even with flat buttons (almost flat, to be exact), there are still places for these subtle cues.

Clearly Label Buttons

Users avoid interface elements without a clear meaning. Thus, each button in your UI should have a proper label or icon. It’s a good idea to base this selection on the principles of least astonishment: If a necessary button has a label or icon with a high astonishment factor, it may be necessary to change the label or icon.

Clear and Distinct Labels

The label on actionable interface elements, such as a button, should always tie back to what it will do for the user. Users will feel more comfortable when they understand what action a button does. Vague labels like ‘Submit,’ or abstract labels like in the example below, don’t provide enough information about the action.

The action button should affirm what that task is, so that users know exactly what happens when they click that button. It’s important to indicate what a button does using action verbs. For example, if a user is signing up for an account, a button that says, ‘Create Account,’ tells them what the outcome will be after pressing the button. It’s clear and specific to the task. Such explicit labels serve as just-in-time help, giving users confidence in selecting the correct action.

Put Buttons Where Users Can Find Them

How To Create Powerful Links And Buttons Using

Don’t make users hunt for buttons; put buttons where users can easily find them or expect to see them.

Location and Order

If you’re designing a native app, you should follow platform GUI guidelines when choosing a proper location and order for buttons. Why? Because applying consistent design that follows user expectations saves people time.

In the case of web-based apps, you should think about which placement truly works best for your users. The right way to determine this is by testing.

If you design mobile navigation it’s worth paying attention to the best practices for buttons location. The article The Golden Rules Of Bottom Navigation Design covers this topic.

Make It Easy For Users To Interact With Buttons

The size and visual feedback of buttons, play key roles in helping users interact with them.

Size and Padding

You should consider how large a button is in relation to the other elements on the page. At the same time, you need to ensure the buttons you design are large enough for people to interact with.

When a tap is used as a primary input method for your app or site, you can rely on the MIT Touch Lab study to choose a proper size for your buttons. This study found that the average size of finger pads are between 10–14mm and fingertips are 8–10mm, making 10mm x 10mm a good minimum touch target size. When a mouse and keyboard are the primary input methods, button measurements can be slightly reduced to accommodate dense UIs.

You should consider the size of button elements, as well as the padding between clickable elements, as padding helps separate the controls and gives your user interface enough breathing space.

Provide Visual Feedback

This requirement isn’t about how the button initially looks to the user; it’s about interaction experience with the UI element. Usually, a button isn’t a one-state object. It has multi-states, and providing visual feedback to users to indicate the current state should be a top priority task. This helpful illustration from Material Design makes it clear how to convey different button states:

Visually Highlight The Most Important Buttons

Ensure the design puts emphasis on the primary or most prominent action. Use color and contrast to keep user focus on the action, and place the button in prominent locations where users are most likely to notice it.

Call-to-Action Button

Important buttons, (such as CTAs,) are meant to direct users into taking the action you want them to take. To create an effective call-to-action button, one that grabs the user’s attention and entices them to click, you should use colors with a high contrast in relation to the background and place the button in the path of a user.

If we look at Gmail’s UI, the interface is very simple and almost monochromatic, with the exception of the ‘Send’ button. As soon as users finish writing a message, they immediately notice this nice blue button.

The same rule works for websites. If you take a look at the Behance example below, the first thing that will catch your attention is a “Sign Up” call-to-action button. The color and the position, in this case, is more important than the text.

Visual Distinctions for Primary and Secondary Buttons

You can find another example of grabbing the user’s attention with buttons in forms and dialogues. When choosing between primary and secondary actions, visual distinctions are a useful method for helping people make solid choices:

  • The primary positive action associated with a button needs to carry a stronger visual weight. It should be the visually dominant button.
  • Secondary actions, (e.g. options like ‘Cancel’ or ‘Go Back’,) should have the weakest visual weight, because reducing the visual prominence of secondary actions minimizes the risk for potential errors, and further directs people toward a successful outcome.

Button Design Checklist

While every design is unique, every design also has a set of items in common. That’s where having a good design checklist comes in. To ensure your button design is right for your users, you need to ask a few questions:

  • Are users identifying your element as a button? Think about how the design communicates affordance. Make a button look like a button (use size, shape, drop-shadows and color for that purpose).
  • Does a button’s label provide a clear message as to what will happen after a click? It’s often better to name a button, explaining what it does, than to use a generic label, (like “OK”).
  • Can your user easily find the button? Where on the page you place the button is just as important as its shape, color and the label on it. Consider the user’s path through the page and put buttons where users can easily find them or expect them to be.
  • If you have two or more buttons in your view, (e.g. dialog box), does the button with the primary action have strongest visual weight? Make the distinction between two options clear, by using different visual weight for each button.


Buttons are a vital element in creating a smooth user experience, so it’s worth paying attention to the best essential practices for them. A quick recap:

  • Make buttons look like buttons.
  • Label buttons with what they do for users.
  • Put buttons where users can find them or expect them to be.
  • Make it easy for the user to interact with each button.
  • Make the most important button clearly identifiable.

When you design your own buttons, start with the ones that matter most, and keep in mind that button design is always about recognition and clarity.

Recommended Reading

  • “7 Basic Best Practices for Buttons,” UXmatters
  • “The Evolution of Buttons in UX Design,” Adobe
  • “How Button Placement Conventions Reinforce User Habits,” UX Movement
  • “Visual Weight of Primary and Secondary Action Buttons,” UX Movement
  • “The Golden Rules Of Bottom Navigation Design”, Smashing Magazine
  • “11 Characteristics Of Persuasive Call-To-Action Buttons”, UserTesting
This article is part of the UX design series sponsored by Adobe. The newly introduced Experience Design app is made for a fast and fluid UX design process, creating interactive navigation prototypes, as well as testing and sharing them — all in one place.You can check out more inspiring projects created with Adobe XD on Behance, and also visit the Adobe XD blog to stay updated and informed. Adobe XD is being updated with new features frequently, and since it's in public Beta, you can download and test it for free.