So Kids What Do You Think Of The New Forum?

So kids what do you think of the new forum meanThink

Before asking any questions, I wanted to say hi to everyone. I've been lurking for a couple weeks and recently decided to make an account. It seems like a great community to be apart of and I look forward to hearing everyone's perspectives and advice.
I would love to hear what anyone thinks about wilderness encounters. I'm trying to improve my GMing of journeys and the feeling of being in the wild. I tend to fast forward to combat and social encounters. A couple questions I had were:
1. Where do you draw inspiration? I've been trying to find books that evoke the feeling of the wilderness setting, like Lord of the Rings. I need to get better at narrating the feelings and senses of the environment. Can anyone recommend books with evocative language in a wilderness setting?
2. Does anyone recommend supplement books (any rpg really) that provides good environmental encounters and settings?
3. Maybe I'm not asking the right questions. I would love to just hear from anyone about the topic, their perspectives, or experiences they've had.
Thanks in advance!

So Kids What Do You Think Of The New Forum Free

I'm not even 18 so maybe you think of me as a 'kid' but I'm not surprised you think like that. I'm surprised some 20 somethings even care abt talking to ppl way younger than them like me. 10 things that aren't good for kids.Subscribe to our channel: